
Pavilion Remodel Continues Toward Completion

Posted on: October 10, 2019

Ekahi’s beachside Pavilion continues the remodel process as the finish line nears. With 5 months of construction behind and just less than 2 months remaining the Pavilion at Ekahi’s main pool is starting to take shape.

The footings and foundation are complete, and the roof line and trusses are being added on currently. Over the next few weeks, the roofers should complete their job and we’ll have a structure that is closer to completion then it has at any time!

We would like to thank all of the guests who stayed at Ekahi Village with the Pauli Family during this time. We know the Pavilion is a nice resource, but the great thing is that all beach access and pools have remained open. And of course, Maui is still as beautiful as ever!

The project is still on track for completion in mid-December. The final certificate of occupancy is expected in mid-December with all dust fences, etc to be removed and a fully operational and functioning Pavilion by Christmas! Ekahi’s HOA does have a building schedule you can check out here if interested.

All Open at Ekahi During Remodel

One question I get asked during the remodel is what is still open. The short answer: everything! The main pool by the ocean is still available, and there are very nice portable bathrooms still available by this pool as well. In addition, all 3 of the other pools at Ekahi are open as well. Yes, the “quiet pool” restriction has been removed from these pools while the Pavilion remodel is ongoing.

The paddle tennis courts remain open as well. The only issue casualty of the remodel is the shuffleboard court – it is inside the footprint of the remodel and is not available for use at this time.

What Will the New Pavilion Include

You won’t miss much at the new Pavilion. As part of the remodel, you will see the kitchen get cut in size, but from the functionality, it should remain as you expect. Ekahi also plans to add an ocean equipment storage room, workout/exercise room, and overall structural improvements (this was the driving force for the remodel in the first place).